Looking for a fun way to give your students extra practice with newly learned math skills? How about trying an iPad math game? This week's highlighted tech tool is a group of math games for iPad by a company called Motion Math. So far Motion Math has released five different math games appropriate for a wide range of ages, ranging from PreK through middle school. Several of these apps were CAIS student favorites in computer class last year!
Consider borrowing the iPad cart and having your students spend some time practicing their math skills using one of the Motion Math apps. Stop by a Tech Tuesday to get some hands-on time with the iPads and try out these games yourself!
Here is a description of the Motion Math games:
1. Hungry Fish (PK - 8th): Practice mental addition and subtraction. Includes a game for adding/subtracting negative numbers (appropriate for middle schoolers and up). A highly addictive, well-designed game that is a student favorite!
2. Hungry Guppy (PK - 1st): A great app for early number learning. Similar to Hungry Fish, but geared for younger kids (especially age 3 - 4). Students build basic number sense and addition skills.
3. Motion Math (3rd - 8th): Helps students perceive and estimate fractions in multiple forms (including decimals and percents). Move fractions to their correct place on the number line. A very fun app!
4. Zoom (1st - 8th): Master place value by placing numbers on a number line. Starts at basic numbers and moves into negatives and decimals.
5. Wings (1st - 6th): Improve mental multiplication and estimation skills. Students must direct their flying bird to pass over the larger of two numbers, represented in various ways: rows of dots, clusters of dots, groups of dots, a grid, a labeled grid, and symbols (e.g. 2 x 3).
Not only have CAIS students played Motion Math apps in the past, but they have also contributed to the development of some of these apps! The Motion Math team visited CAIS twice last year and once this fall to test their apps with our students. Last spring, 1st - 4th graders helped test "Motion Math: Wings" before it was publicly released. Motion Math returned to CAIS in early September to test their latest app with our 6th graders. This new game focuses on estimation skills and adds a competitive element: it is designed to be played in pairs or small groups. Stay tuned for news on its release!
Motion Math co-founder Jacob Klein works with CAIS student Arthur S. (then a member of the 1st Grade Green class) in May 2012.
CAIS 6th graders Henry P. and Harrison H. test the latest Motion Math app in technology class, September 2012. |