Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Digital Books in Chinese

For our Chinese faculty: two Chinese reading resources.  Child Road is a website that offers over 1,000 books read in Mandarin by professional actors and television hosts in China, with characters and Pinyin for reading along.  There are multiple series and books that can be read/listened to online, as well as downloaded to an MP3 player for listening in the car.

To access CAIS's account on Child Road, use the following information:
  • Login email:
  • Password: wpcais

Another online Chinese reading resource is 5Q Channel.  This site offers classic Chinese stories in a cartoon animated format.  Watch stories with either traditional or simplified characters. While CAIS does not currently have a subscription to this site, there are some free stories available. In addition, Warren purchased a CD-ROM of "The Legend of the Chinese Festivals" for the library.